Recommended Dosage Chart

Below is a list of suggested dosages for the use of Soil Restoration products. Please note that the amounts may vary based on specific conditions.


Crops & Livestock Pastures

Trees, Shrubs, & Vines

Cellulose Digestion (Field Trash)


Hog Barn Pits (2x per Year)

Dairy Barn Pits, Lagoons, Slurry Tanks

Poultry Barns

Farm Ponds (Safe for Fish)

City Sewage Evaporation Ponds

Septic Tanks


Motor Home & Boat Holding Tanks

Reducing Chemicals in Soil


16 ounces

16 ounces

16 ounces

1 quart

3 ounces

4 gallons

5 gallons

16 ounces

5 gallons

5 gallons

8 ounces

2 ounces

2 ounces

16 ounces (minimum)


1 acre

1 acre

1 acre

50 yards

1 ton

1 million gallons

1 million gallons

Acre-sized barn

1 million gallons

1 million gallons

1,000 gallons



1 acre

Click here for a downloadable version of this list.